We utilize a network of specialists such as investigators, hand-writing analysts, questioned document examiners, psychologists, polygraph and security experts. As a discipline, forensic services have become indispensable in ensuring that complex and high value criminal cases are thoroughly investigated and that the appropriate evidence is presented to the court by an expert in an understandable manner. Our investigations include, inter alia, securing available evidence, conducting interviews with witnesses and analysing accounting data.
All investigations are undertaken with the main objective to recover losses, provide for ongoing savings and trying to prevent the recurrence of fraudulent activities within the organisation. We are able to assist you by providing assistance to your organisation in preparing for criminal and disciplinary charges against individuals suspected of fraudulent activity. This includes the preparation of financial and legal evidence for trial and providing expert court testimony.
We provide the skills, experience and knowledge tailored to investigate thoroughly, report comprehensively and build solid cases to procure effective disciplinary and criminal convictions.
Our team assists companies in implementing effective fraud and corruption prevention strategies.
Some of our mainstream Forensic Accounting Services lines include:
- Fraud Investigation and Anti-Corruption
- Fraud & Corruption Risk Management
- Forensic Consulting
- Analytical and Forensic Technology
- Business Intelligence Services
- Data Interrogation
- Fraud Prevention
- Legal Costs Assessment
As a well-established company, we are able to provide you with highly competent and skilled professionals specialized in all areas of investigation. Our multi-disciplinary team includes:
- Advocates
- Fraud Examiners
- Chartered Accountants
- Risk Managers
- Technology Experts
- Attorneys
Our Forensic Accounting products include:
- Development and/or review of practical Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policies, Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plans, Fraud and Corruption Response Plans and Whistle Blower Policies.
- Measuring the effectiveness of Fraud and Corruption Prevention Strategies.
- Conducting Fraud Risk Assessments and compiling Fraud Risk Registers for clients.
- Fraud trend analysis.
- Developing Fraud Investigation Methodologies for forensic divisions.
- Provide guidance to client’s forensic teams on how to conduct specific complicated investigations.
- Fraud awareness training – classroom style and/or through e-learning.
- Conducting Web-based fraud and corruption perception surveys amongst employees.
- Conducting Legal Costs Assessments for the Applicant/Plaintiff or Respondent/Defendant, Analysing Bill of Costs, Reviewing Draft Bill of Costs, Assessing Bills of Costs upon Notice of Intention to Tax Bill of Costs, Inspection of Notes and/or Documents pertaining to items on Bill of Costs, Compiling recommendations on Oppositions to Bill of Costs.
On completion of an assignment, we will issue a forensic audit report incorporating our procedures and findings. Our findings will be substantiated by documentary evidence. We are available to testify as expert witnesses in legal proceedings, should the findings of the investigation warrant such action.
We believe that you will find us to be professional and flexible in our approach, rigid in our determination to achieve project objectives and sensitive to the economic and political environment in which we operate.